Tuesday, November 02, 2004

As she walked down the hallway to her dorm room, laden down with three bags of clothes, two coats, and a crate of assorted shoes, Sarah couldn't help but revel in the fact that she was moving into her room two days early. It would be scary for a little bit since no one would be around, but there would be time for that later. Jeeves Dormitory, like most other dorms, was always full of people. Once the students got there they stayed, and they were everywhere.

Sarah neared her room, number 136, all the way at the very end. It was at the eastern extreme of the campus on the first floor, and she preferred it that way. Sure, her room was the farthest point away from the center of campus while still staying on campus proper, but it was the closest dorm to the student parking lot. That was essential for midnight snack runs in the snow. Sarah set down the crate of shoes so she could squeeze her hand into her tight jeans to get the key she had just slid there fifteen minutes before. She wondered about her roommate. Would she be nice? The last two roommates left much to be desired. Her first roommate, Laura, must not have liked her that much. Sarah never really figured out why, but she knew when she wasn't wanted. One gets the feeling that her roommate isn't comfortable with them when said roommate moves out of their comfortable two-person room into the three-person room next door to live with Theresa and Amy. Sarah's second roommate, Jen, was nice enough. The two girls never really hit it off though. The few times Jen and Sarah were actually in their room at the same time when they weren't sleeping were coincidence and spent in silence. Jen wasn't so bad though. Not as bad as Laura anyway.

Sarah finally dug her key out of her pocket. She slid it into the doorknob and was surprised to find it was already open. Worry flashed itself through Sarah's mind. This door is not supposed to be open. Sarah carefully set down her things as quietly as she could, which wasn't easy considering her petite frame was bogged down with three large duffle bags. Arming herself with a black ballroom dancing shoe Sarah threw the door open to find...

Adelie was sitting at her desk in her barren room. She was in cross country, and had gotten special permission to move in a day early. Adelie was never bothered with being by herself. She was very independent. She had to be. Money never found its way to her family in large sums. By sixteen, she was working pulling weeds at the local greenhouse. By eighteen Adelie already had quite an impressive resume for a person so young. She was silently made her peanut butter sandwich while she dreamed off into space. She folded her bread in half, and quietly raised it to her mouth. Bang! The door flew open the wall behind it. Adelie's head snapped around and her eyes, wide open with startlement, saw a girl with long, black hair, holding a slight shoe in a very menacing way.

...a girl eating a sandwich. Stupidity flowed through Sarah like peace through a river and she tried to casually lower her arm to make it look like she was merely holding her would-be defense weapon.

"Oh. Hey, I didn't realized anyone would be here." Sarah stood awkwardly at the doorway desperately hoping that the girl in the room would quickly realize that she was mistakenly in the wrong room and leave.

"Are you Sarah?" No such luck.

"Yes, and you are?.."

"I'm Adelie. You don't know my name?"

"No. I received a letter that I would have a roommate, but there wasn't a name..."

"Oh. It's probably because I enrolled at the last second. Let me help you get your things." Adelie set her sandwich down on the cling wrap that she was using as a place mat and brushed her hands off on her pants.

Together the two girls lugged Sarah's luggage into the room. It was obvious to Sarah that she had at least twice as many clothes as Adelie did, and that was a conservative estimate. There was still another bag of dress clothes in her car.

"Is this all?" Adelie looked a little surprised.

"Not by a long shot. I've still got another bag of clothes, and some other stuff too."

"If we need to buy some appliances, I'll be happy to split the cost with you."

"Don't worry about it," Sarah replied, "I'm a room pimp." Sarah led the way out to her car, conveniently parked just outside the door. Their room, since it was at the eastern extreme, was right next to an outside door. Sarah jumped down a couple steps to a navy SUV. Through the windows, Adelie could see the back of the SUV was filled two thirds of the way to the top with assorted dorm room essentials. Sarah already had the back open and lifted a white microwave, all the while being careful to use her legs. "Just grab some stuff and let's stick it in the room. It'll be easier to figure out where we can put everything after we get inside." With that, Sarah did her best to open the dorm door with her foot. "Could you get that for me?"

Adelie held the door open while Sarah set the microwave down in front of it to keep it from closing. The two girls unloaded Sarah's car, leaving the heavy things like the computer, the TV, and the refrigerator for last. With hose two, the girls worked together to fit into the already limited space in the room.

After they had finished moving everthing into the room, Adelie and Sarah sat on their bouch. Bouch = bed + couch. It's a piece of furniture that is shaped like a couch, but the cushion where people sit is actually a mattress that is half hidden under the upper part of the couch. The mattress can be slid out to create an extra bed if needed. It was this contraption that Laura resorted to sleeping on after she moved out of Sarah's room and into the room next door.

"See? I have all the stuff we need for the comforts of home. I lived by myself for a term, so I bought a bunch of stuff."

"The computer should go on the desk, but where should we put the refrigerator?" asked Adelie. The room, although very spacious in the vertical direction, was not quite so in the horizontal. The floor was already littered with the possessions of the two girls.

"I guess that should go by the bouch here," Sarah gestured to her right, "so we can get drinks without having to move too far." Sarah still wasn't sure about her new roommate. Adelie seemed nice enough, but she was really quiet. While quiet was nice every once in a while, Sarah had already won gold in the sitting-silently-with-your-roommate event of the Olympics and she wasn't too keen on winning another. Well, at least she's helpful, Sarah thought to herself as they continued to straighten up the room and unpack their clothes.

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Total: 1393


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