Tuesday, November 09, 2004

After an hour of solid unpacking, arranging, repacking and rearranging, Adelie and Sarah sat themselves again on the bouch. Sarah placed her feet on the computer monitor box in front of them.

“I still don’t know what to do with this,” said Sarah, gesturing to the cardboard obstruction.

“We’re going to have to find a place for this later.” Adelie sat back and put her feet up next to Sarah’s. “We’re not going to have room for it if it stays here.”

“They have storage rooms somewhere in this dorm. I’m sure once the resident assistant gets here, we can get them to open the door to the storage closet and stow all our extra crap there.” Sarah got up and went to the bunk bed. “Which one do you want?”

“The top one, if you don’t mind.”

“That’s okay. I like being on the bottom bunk anyway. It’s more like a cave.” Sarah laid down on her newly chosen bed. “Hey, I was wondering, how is it that you’re here two days early? I thought I was going to have the room all to myself for a day or two.”

“I thought that too. I’m actually here for cross country. The team is already training, and we got special permission to move in early. It’s like that with all the sports teams. The football players are here early too.” Adelie swung her legs from the box to the bouch and laid down. “What are you here early for?”

“I’m a security rover. We have to be here to lock and unlock the doors before the freshmen move in.”

“Aren’t you a little small to be protecting us?”

“It’s not like that. Security rovers walk all over the building, all the while making sure the doors are locked, the students aren’t misbehaving too much, and checking the bathrooms for people passed out on the floor. If anything major happens, like a rapist is trying to break in or four or five really large guys are fighting, I call campus security and they take it from there.”

“How did you get into that? It sounds like a crappy job.” Sarah shrugged.

“Well, it is kinda crappy. I saw a flier on the bulletin board that said there were job openings. I figured, hey, I stay up late at night…might as well get paid doing it.” Adelie wrinkled her nose. “It’s not bad once you get used to it. We’re supposed to make a round of the building every hour or so. Half the time, I make a round every other hour so I can sleep or get a little bit of homework done.” Sarah glanced at the digital radio/alarm clock on the desk. “It’s already 5:00. Have you eaten yet?”

“Nope. Just that sandwich when you busted through the door.” Adelie got up to where the half-finished sandwich still lay on the plastic cling wrap. She offered it to Sarah. “Want some?”

“No thanks. I think we should go to the store and buy some food stuffs. I’m thirsty and I need to move my car anyway.” Adelie agreed and the two girls were soon on their way to the grocery store.

Words: 531
Total: 1826


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