Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Grenita never thought she was "pretty." Just average. She had an average height, average weight, average nose, average eyes, average hairdo and average build. She drove an average car, wore average clothes, read average books, walked an average walk, talked an average talk and all together had an average air about her.

At least that's the way it was, until she met Donovan.

Donovan was different. He was intelligent, witty, handsome, charming, and all around above-average. Donovan was the most unaverage characteristic of Grenita, if you could consider him that. He wasn't the opposite of everything she was. He was everything she was, only ten times more interesting. She loved it. Grenita loved being with him. She loved talking with him. All of a sudden, her conversations were more witty, her thoughts more interesting, her ideas more intuitive. Grenita was herself, only more so. Her average friends saw the change in her.

It's amazing what kind of influence one person may have on another. If one person hadn't met another, where would her life be now? How would a person's life be different if he or she didn't have a mother, or a father, or a best friend, let alone a chance encounter with a stranger on the subway?

Say that stranger happens to turn out to be your best friend. How would your life be different if you had been standing one foot to the left, making it impossible for you to accidently bump into your would-be friend during that uncharacteristicaly abrupt stop by an almost inattentive subway driver? It was these types of thoughts that until so recently, made Grenita interesting.

Before Donovan, Grenita's life was on auto pilot. Get up, make breakfast, go to work, break for lunch, go home, have dinner, go to bed. Interspersed in her life were meals with friends and the occasional visit to the local library. After Donovan, life was so much different, so much more full. Suprise flowers would magically appear on her desk. A semi-chance meeting during lunch or a midnight visit at her aparment would almost inevitably lead somewhere. Life was full of amazing possiblity, and Grenita was happy and better for it.

After twenty-four years of toleration and mediocrity, Grenita loved her life.

She absolutely loved it... for five months.

Wordcount: 382
NaNoWriMo, I'm gunning for you... I'm gonna take you down!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Hey readers (if there are any).

I've got a new wordcounter on your left there, from TheCosmicChz. The link just goes back to the original word counter. It counts actual words, and not just every five or six spaces/characters as one word, unlike that other wordcounter I was using before. I'm not sure which one is more correct, but I tested some of my old posts and found that I had a considerible less amount of words than I had originally thought. I'm not sure if having a new wordcounter is good or bad for me. In one way, it will force me to write more to prepare me for the upcoming NaNoWriMo in November, but in another way, it's bad because I have to write more to make up for the loss of words that I originally wrote. NaNoWriMo is on the honor system though, I doubt they'd really take the time to check all of the novels that pass the 50k word mark. Still, better safe than sorry.

This post: 170 words... sigh.